The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a valuable resource for genealogists, researchers, and individuals seeking to uncover information about deceased loved ones. This database contains records of deaths reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA) from 1936 to present. With over 94 million entries, it's an invaluable tool for tracing family history and verifying vital statistics.
The SSDI is a comprehensive index that provides access to death certificates, which are often difficult or impossible to obtain through traditional means. By leveraging this data, users can gain insight into their ancestors' lives, including dates of birth and death, last known residence, and Social Security number.
To access the SSDI, simply visit and follow these steps: First, select the 'Search' tab and enter the name or Social Security number of the individual you're researching. You can also filter results by state, county, or date range to narrow down your search.
Once you've located a potential match, review the provided information carefully. Verify the accuracy of the data by cross-referencing it with other available records and sources. Remember that the SSDI is a database of reported deaths, not an official record of death certificates.
The Social Security Death Index is an extraordinary resource for anyone seeking to uncover hidden family secrets or verify vital statistics. By leveraging this database, researchers can gain valuable insights into their ancestors' lives and connect with distant relatives.
If you're new to genealogical research, don't be intimidated by the vast amount of information available. Start by exploring the SSDI and other online resources, and remember that accuracy is key in verifying records.